I attended my first event today. Beach volleyball at Horse Guard Parade. It was a temporary structure in the middle of the park. We got in the venue in less than 30 minutes, and the food was really good. They were even serving beer at 9am. The venue had a really beautiful view of down town London.
Marilyn Polis
7/28/2012 12:07:11 am

Leslie - I am so excited for you and enjoying your blog. Are those pictures from the inside of the volleyball venue? How big was that crowd? Is the stadium similar in size to a venue at OSU? Keep those pictures coming!

Leslie Greer
7/28/2012 03:35:17 am

Yes that was the beach volleyball stadium, called horse guard parade. The announcer said there were 15,000 seats but it didn't seem like that many.


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    Leslie is a student at Oregon State University and is part of the women's rowing team. These are her experiences traveling to the 2012 London Summer Olympics!